The Parsemus Foundation works to create meaningful improvements in human and animal health and welfare by advancing innovative and neglected medical research.

Veterinarian Directory

Find a veterinarian offering ovary-sparing spay, vasectomy, and other services.


Research that focuses on simple, inexpensive therapies that are available now.


A long-acting, nonhormonal, reversible male contraceptive under development.

Our Mission

The Parsemus Foundation works to create meaningful improvements in human and animal health and welfare by advancing innovative and neglected medical research. The foundation’s focus is on supporting small proof-of-concept studies and then pursuing press coverage of the results, so that the advances change treatment practice rather than disappearing into the scientific literature. Many of the studies we support involve low-cost approaches that are not under patent. When supporting development of technologies under patent, the Parsemus Foundation coordinates with larger funders to make sure support is contingent upon strong public-sector pricing agreements.
Hand holding leaf to show how we are advancing innovative and neglected medical research

Recent News

Omega-3 fatty acids may protect brain health

Recent studies highlight the potential role of omega-3 fatty acids in protecting brain health, especially among older adults. These essential fats, found in fatty fish like salmon, offer benefits for heart health, inflammation, and brain function. Now, two studies suggest they may also benefit individuals at higher risk for cognitive decline, such as carriers of the ε4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE4).

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Iron deficiency and anemia are hidden ailments in women

Despite the high prevalence of iron deficiency and anemia in women in their reproductive years, it is still widely underdiagnosed and undertreated. Anemia can result in poorer outcomes in pregnancy. Diagnosis involves routine blood tests, and treatment may include diet changes, oral iron supplements, or intravenous iron.

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How Scientists Plan on Eliminating Alzheimer’s Disease

Breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease research offer hope for the successful treatment – and elimination – of the disease. This was the finding of New Scientist journalist Graham Lawton, who reviewed the history and status of research on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In particular, exciting new Alzheimer’s vaccine research holds promise for preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

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Omega-3 fatty acids may protect brain health

Recent studies highlight the potential role of omega-3 fatty acids in protecting brain health, especially among older adults. These essential fats, found in fatty fish like salmon, offer benefits for heart health, inflammation, and brain function. Now, two studies suggest they may also benefit individuals at higher risk for cognitive decline, such as carriers of the ε4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE4).

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Iron deficiency and anemia are hidden ailments in women

Despite the high prevalence of iron deficiency and anemia in women in their reproductive years, it is still widely underdiagnosed and undertreated. Anemia can result in poorer outcomes in pregnancy. Diagnosis involves routine blood tests, and treatment may include diet changes, oral iron supplements, or intravenous iron.

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How Scientists Plan on Eliminating Alzheimer’s Disease

Breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease research offer hope for the successful treatment – and elimination – of the disease. This was the finding of New Scientist journalist Graham Lawton, who reviewed the history and status of research on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In particular, exciting new Alzheimer’s vaccine research holds promise for preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

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Spreading the message about the importance of hormones to dogs

The Parsemus Foundation is an educational resource for the public and veterinarians about the importance of hormones for pets. Over the years, we have received increasing inquiries about hormone-sparing sterilization from pet parents, and seen more veterinarians offering vasectomy or hysterectomy. But the shift in practice has been slow — until now. With several influential veterinarians spreading the message about the importance of hormones to dogs, this topic has finally reached the mainstream.

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Featured Studies Advancing Innovative Medical Research

We’re sorry, you are not eligible for the nationwide COVID-OUT or ACTIV-6 studies, but you may be eligible for other federal trials:

And if you don’t find a match there, this slightly more complex clinical trials finder includes studies sponsored by companies as well:

Trials Today