We made the match!

THANK YOU to all the Vasalgel supporters who stepped up to meet the $5,000 one-day challenge last week. One of Vasalgel’s biggest supporters — a young tech guy in the Seattle area — committed to match all donations up to $5,000 during one day of the campaign to raise $127,000 for making and filling the gel for the upcoming clinical trial. Your donations were doubled, and Vasalgel is one step closer — actually, two steps closer! — to its first clinical trial, projected to be enrolling before the end of this year.

Last chances to register as an early-stage supporter

There’s still a long way to go, though, towards the $127,000 manufacturing bill for the Vasalgel for clinical trial. Expenses are accelerating as clinical trial preparations intensify. Have you been following Vasalgel progress for a while but not contributing? We need your support now!

It’s hard to know what regulators will allow in terms of how people are chosen for clinical trials. We may also have partners by that time who have a say in how it works. But if there is ever a possibility to give early supporters priority — for example, drawing names of early supporters for evaluation for eligibility for a clinical trial — we would like to do it, and there would need to be a cutoff.

There are over 34,000 people on the Vasalgel mailing list. If you’ve been following Vasalgel for a while, this is a chance to show that you’re one of the sub-group that’s serious enough to put your money where your mouth is!

How much to contribute? One approach is an hour’s wages (or if you’re a student, the cost of a pizza or a dinner out) to show you want new options. Anyone who donates $20 or more gets the “I’m nuts about Vasalgel” sticker.


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We’re sorry, you are not eligible for the nationwide COVID-OUT or ACTIV-6 studies, but you may be eligible for other federal trials:

And if you don’t find a match there, this slightly more complex clinical trials finder includes studies sponsored by companies as well:

Trials Today