Ivermectin studied in University of Minnesota COVID treatment trial

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Despite warnings from medical professionals, the social media buzz about ivermectin’s ability to cure COVID has continued. The result has been a tremendous increase in accidental poisonings because people are overdosing on ivermectin labeled for animal use. As explained by the Star Tribune and picked up by many other media outlets over the past month, ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that is available by prescription for humans. But the over-the-counter ivermectin is calibrated for livestock, with products containing potentially 100 times more than typically recommended for humans.

Right now, there isn’t enough research to know whether or not ivermectin is really a potential treatment for individuals infected with COVID-19. Rather than self-medicating, individuals are urged to consider participating in a clinical trial run by the University of Minnesota to answer this question. The clinical trial is studying the impact of three drugs — ivermectin, fluvoxamine. and metformin — as well as combinations. Participants are randomly assigned to one of six possible treatment groups. To be eligible, you must have received a positive COVID test in the last three days, be between the ages of 30 and 85, and not be hospitalized. Medications, in doses properly calculated for personal use, are shipped for free to your home. No in-person clinic or office visit is required. Women who are pregnant are eligible to enroll.

Parsemus Foundation has supported the University of Minnesota clinical trial. You can find more information and sign up here:

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