The Parsemus Foundation founder and trustee, Elaine Lissner, was invited to speak about male contraception at the SXSW event on March 10, 2023. SXSW (“south by southwest”) is an annual event in Austin, TX that celebrates the convergence of tech, film, music, education, and culture. The panel session “Reproductive Autonomy: It’s a We-Sponsibility” was sponsored by Ogilvy Health. The goal was to rethink approaches for helping women retain their reproductive freedom in the erosion of reproductive rights in the U.S. while at the same time increasing men’s shared responsibility through the development of more male contraceptive options.
Other panelists included Katherine Atkinson of Evofem Biosciences, Monique LaRocque of Ogilvy Health, Kevin Shane of the Male Contraceptive Initiative. The panelists highlighted the fact that men are very interested in new male contraception and the growing demand for diverse options for male reproductive autonomy. Elaine discussed a number of topics, including Vasalgel male contraceptive and NEXT Life Sciences – the company that has recently taken over its development. Check out the video below.