New Vasalgel animated video provides inside view
You can see an “inside view” of Vasalgel in action thanks to this video representation with animation by Filip Spasev and Will Justice. The project
You can see an “inside view” of Vasalgel in action thanks to this video representation with animation by Filip Spasev and Will Justice. The project
Successful reversal of Vasalgel male contraceptive in rabbits For immediate release: Vasalgel’s prevention of sperm transport in the vas deferens for 14 months was reversed
Vasalgel given to 16 monkeys resulted in 100% successful contraception — no pregnancies after 1 to 2 years. The results, published in Basic and Clinical
Press Release Monday, Feb. 6, 2017 20:00 EST New contraceptive Vasalgel provides effective birth control in rhesus monkey groups for more than one year: report
Vasalgel was listed as #5 on the Cracked list of science breakthroughs that might save humanity. This revolutionary male contraceptive has the potential to change
A recent article by Valerie Tarico highlighted the importance of – and interest in – what men think about new contraceptive methods. She cited a
Recent test batch challenges scientists We’ve been happy to share our progress with you — and so much has been accomplished this year! But we
A much-anticipated update on the development of RISUG (reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance) was provided by journalist Sohini Chattopadhyay in a recent article in The Wire.
Monkeys are smart and social, and for humane reasons must be housed together. But how do you house male and female animals in social groups
Almost half of men participating in a survey said they would use Vasalgel if it were available. In the study recently published in Cogent Medicine,
And if you don’t find a match there, this slightly more complex clinical trials finder includes studies sponsored by companies as well: