Category: Infectious Diseases

The link between long COVID and vaccination remains complex, but metformin can reduce the risk.

Long COVID and vaccination: what you need to know

The link between Long COVID and vaccination remains complex. Vaccination remains critical to preventing severe COVID-19, but it may not fully prevent Long COVID. Combining vaccines with metformin may offer better protection. Research highlights metformin as a safe, affordable, and effective treatment for reducing Long COVID risk.

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Shingles vaccine may lower dementia risk

The recombinant zoster vaccine known as SHINGRIX may also lower the risk of developing dementia, according to a new study. The vaccine prevents shingles, a painful viral infection, and is typically recommended for those 50 and older. Researchers in the U.K. published a study in Nature Medicine on July 25 that showed that among people diagnosed with dementia, those who received the recombinant zoster vaccine had more diagnosis-free time compared with those who received a different vaccine.

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Metformin reduces Long COVID

Treating COVID with Metformin Reduces Long COVID Rates PRESS RELEASE Date: June 9, 2023 Contact: Macy Uustal,, 954-651-0665 Minneapolis, MN –— A new study

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