Category: HSS

Breakthrough cat contraceptive with a single shot

For years, the only reliable way to prevent pregnancy in female cats was through surgery. But now, researchers have developed an injectable cat contraceptive. This method offers a safe, long-lasting alternative to traditional spaying and could be a game-changer in controlling the global population of feral cats.

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Spreading the message about the importance of hormones to dogs

The Parsemus Foundation is an educational resource for the public and veterinarians about the importance of hormones for pets. Over the years, we have received increasing inquiries about hormone-sparing sterilization from pet parents, and seen more veterinarians offering vasectomy or hysterectomy. But the shift in practice has been slow — until now. With several influential veterinarians spreading the message about the importance of hormones to dogs, this topic has finally reached the mainstream.

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German shorthair pointers benefit from delaying spay/neuter

Additional support for delaying spay/neuter in large-breed dogs

When it comes to spaying or neutering your dog, the timing of the procedure can significantly impact their long-term health. Traditionally, veterinarians have recommended spaying or neutering before six months of age. However, recent studies, including an update to the comprehensive studies by Drs. Benjamin and Lynette Hart from the University of California, Davis, have added to growing evidence that delaying these procedures can reduce the risk of cancer and joint disorders in certain breeds. Pet owners should also consider hormone-sparing sterilization as an alternative to traditional spay/neuter.

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