Vasalgel Male Contraceptive

Promotional graphic for Vasalgel Male Contraceptive

Plan A male contraceptive 

The Parsemus Foundation and its social venture subsidiary Revolution Contraceptives, LLC have partnered with NEXT Life Sciences to continue development of the Vasalgel male contraceptive. NEXT Life Sciences announced launch of Plan A birth control for men, using the Vasalgel technology.

Vasalgel male contraceptive has a new home

After a decade of research on Vasalgel, the Parsemus Foundation determined that the reversible, long-lasting contraceptive for men was ready to advance to the next level. The search began for an organization with the resources needed to lead the project to the marketplace, including clinical trials and regulatory review. The Parsemus Foundation selected NEXT Life Sciences, Inc. as that partner. NEXT Life Sciences’ mission is to develop and distribute medical technology that empowers people to choose when and whether to have a child. 

NEXT Life Sciences announced its launch of the product called Plan A, using the Vasalgel technology for male contraception.  The NEXT team expects Plan A to be available to the public in 2026.

For more information, see the NEXT Life Sciences and Plan A websites.

Vasalgel Male Contraceptive partners with NEXT

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Visit the NEXT Life Sciences Plan A website

  • Visit the NEXT LifeSciences Plan A website to get more information on Vasalgel.

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A groundbreaking study reveals a strong demand for new male contraceptives worldwide. Researchers surveyed over 18,000 men and 9,000 women across seven countries, uncovering widespread interest in male birth control options. The findings suggest male contraceptives could transform family planning and promote gender equity in reproductive health.

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L.R. Fox of NEXT Life Sciences and Elaine Lissner of the Parsemus Foundation

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L.R. Fox of NEXT Life Sciences and Elaine Lissner of the Parsemus Foundation

Passing the Vasalgel torch

Two years ago, the Parsemus Foundation partnered with NEXT Life Sciences to prepare Vasalgel — the non-hormonal, long-lasting, and reversible male contraceptive — for human

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