BPH Symptom Score Questionnaire

Wooden blocks spell the word prostate

Interactive Tool: BPH Symptom Score Questionnaire

This tool is for individuals with a prostate who are experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms. It asks about your about your urinary symptoms from BPH and gives you a score based on how severe your symptoms are. Your score on this questionnaire may help you think about if and how you want to treat the problem. The score is called the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and is based on the American Urological Association (AUA) Symptom Index.1 It is commonly used to screen for, evaluate, track the symptoms of, and suggest management of the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

1McVary KT, et al. (2010). Guideline on the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (PH). In American Urological Association Guideline: Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)., pp. 2-34. Linthicum, MD: American Urological Association Education and Research.

Over the last month, how often have you:

Had the feeling of not completely emptying your bladder after you finished urinating?(Required)
Had to urinate again less than 2 hours after you finished urinating?(Required)
Found that you stopped and started again several times while urinating?(Required)
Found it hard to hold your urine?(Required)
Had a weak urine stream?(Required)
Had to push or strain to begin urination?(Required)
Had to get up to urinate during the night?(Required)

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